Medical Student/Residents/Faculty/Colleague Comments

A compiled list of comments and notes of appreciation from over the years.

Diane Guernsey, managing editor, Pulse: “I’ve been in deep mourning ever since this morning [about retiring from the journal]… Truly, I am bereft at the thought of your leaving Pulse. You have been, and are, an extra specially dear person and colleague to me – more than I’ve ever been able to say. I don’t know anyone else who has your uniquely wonderful literary gifts coupled with your executive skills and your boundless generosity of mine, spirit and heart, and I’ve treasured our correspondence over these many years… I’d love it if you’d stay with us in a role that will suit your needs and that will be more low-key, but equally treasured.”

Jessica de la Cruz MBA, Operations Manager, Family Medicine, UCI – “Thank you so much for everything you’ve done for our Department and for always being so patient and humble.”

Elaine Chen MS, Coordinator, Integrative Medicine, Family Medicine UCI – “It was so inspiring to her about your journey and a sampling of your impact. Even for us non-professors your dedication to service and teaching, and your culture of kindness are infectious in the best way!”

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