Program in Ethics, Medical Humanities, and Spiritual Care 2013-current. I worked with Dr. Aaron Kheriaty to found a program based in the School of Medicine to develop interdisciplinary research, curriculum, and special events examining issues of concern to ethics and medical humanities.
UC Medical Humanities Consortium 2009-2019. The UC Medical Humanities Consortium included UCSF (lead school), Berkeley, UC Irvine, UC Davis (and in its final two years, UC Riverside and UCLA).
The purpose of the Consortium was to support integrated medical humanities event programming, curriculum development, and research across multiple campuses. These included starting the UC Humanities Press; and on the UC Irvine campus, funding two summer research stipends for first year medical students; an MH research award for a graduating medical student; and prizes for students competing in literary, artistic, and performance contests of original creative work.
UC Irvine Medical Humanities Inter-School Excellence Initiative. 2014-2018.
Director, Douglas Haynes PhD; Co-Directors, Johanna Shapiro PhD, Aaron Kheriaty MD. Understanding the human dimensions of health, healing and well-being animates this inter-school excellence initiative.
This provost-sponsored initiative is a collaborative effort by faculty from the schools of the Arts, Humanities, and Medicine to build a nationally distinctive and innovative inter-school program in medical humanities.
Medical Humanities will support research projects by faculty in the three schools; harness existing curricular content and develop new course content towards a Medical Humanities minor and coursework for medical students; and promote scholarly and public conversations about health, healing and well-being.
To UCI Medical Humanities Program:
To Plexus:
To UCI Healing through Humanities Club:
To UCI Medical Humanities Initiative: